Common Conditions

Managing Injuries in Quakertown, PA

Broad Street Chiropractic Center treats a number ailments that are related to spinal injuries. We have compiled a list of common conditions that we treat frequently. We believe that providing our patients with information regarding conditions gives them a better understanding of what is wrong. This can also significantly increase your chance for prompt and effective care at our facility.

Common Conditions Treated:

Neck Pain — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Auto Injuries
Common Injuries and Symptoms
1. Whiplash
2. Headaches
3. Back Pain
4. Extremity Pain, Numbness, Tingling
5. Head Injuries and Associated Symptoms
Headache — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Types of Headaches and Symptoms
1. Migraine – a recurring headache accompanied by throbbing pain that typically affects one side of the head. Can cause disturbed vision and nausea.
2. Drug-Induced Headaches – This can occur when OTC headache medication has been overused. Drug-Induced Headaches are also known as rebound headaches.
3. Post-Traumatic Headaches – These headaches typically occur following a neck or head trauma of some kind.
Woman Suffering from Headache — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Man Suffering from Headache — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
4. Cluster Headaches – Very common type of headaches that are usually found in middle-aged smokers. Cluster headaches can be the most painful of any headache type. The pain can start behind the ear and travel as far as the forehead.
5. Cervicogenic Headaches – Typically cause by another physical issue or illness.
6. Muscle Tension Headaches – Know as a primary headache, Muscle Tension Headaches can radiate pain from the head, lower back of the head, neck, eyes, and other muscle groups.
Low Back /Mid Back Pain
Common Causes For Lower Back/Mid Back Pain
Low Back Pain — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
1. Auto Accident
2. Past Injuries
3. Poor Posture
4. Scoliosis
Mid Back Pain — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
5. Fallen Foot Arches
6. Smoking
7. Poor Diet
8. Improper Lifting Techniques
Woman Having Neck Pain — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Neck Pain
Common Causes of Neck Pain
1. Poor Posture
2. Whiplash-type injuries
3. Improper telephone technique
4. Physical inactivity
5. Excessive Mental Stress
6. Muscle Tension Headaches
Man Touching his Neck — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Sports Injuries
Back Pain Due to Running — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Sport Massage — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Work Injuries
Wet Floor — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
Back pain due to work — Pain Management in Quakertown, PA
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